Steps in moving mailboxes in Bulk:
1. Put all the users that need to be migrated in a text file containing just their email addresses. Name it like “names.txt”
2. Then login on one of the Exchange 2007 servers.
3. Open “Exchange Management Shell”
4. In the shell command prompt, the syntax is: gc {textfilename} | Move-Mailbox –TargetDatabase {nameOfDatabase} –Maxthreads 20
For example: gc names.txt | Move-Mailbox –TargetDatabase “XCH5\SG3\XCH5SG3DB” –Maxthreads 20
5. After the migration is complete, it will generate an xml file in “C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Logging\MigrationLogs”
6. Open the XML file in Excel as XML table to see the results. All the result should be “This mailbox has been moved to the target database.” . If the mailbox has a different result then it has to be done from GUI and select the option to skip corrupted items.
Really good article, thanks for sharing the stepwise information regarding to mailbox migration and I found good information about this topic and used the automate exchange server migration tool from that allows to migrate exchange mailbox and migrate public folders between exchange servers and successfully move mailboxes and migrate Cross-forest Exchange.
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